Tales of Conversion 5

It would seem after years of being hidden, the Lord at this time has sought to release me in my charism, most certainly in an unforeseen way.  In my past I was a street preacher and loved it, but the good Lord told me I was going into hiding to learn humility, love, and obedience.  Since that time I have become Catholic, whether I’m humble or not I’ll leave that to God, but I can say I’ve been humbled by these years of obscurity, and I know my capacity to love has increased. You see, Christ Jesus has been everything to me, to the point of seeing nothing else, truly possessed by Him, and I’m sure the bulk of my posts in the future will surround Him, for in Him I live and move and have my being.  So why all the fuss about His mother anyway?  Well it’s what I’m  being shown and all I can do is follow and trust.

There is the truth as objective reality explained with all the clarity of our wonderful Church. And then the truth becomes our very own. We can only obtain the mysteries of the Kingdom by faith, hope, and Love. These are the eyes in which we see; without them we are all blind. Some see with great clarity in pure simplicity, others try to make sense out of what they are seeing.  I am of the latter sort. Objective truth simply is.  My subjective experience is trying to know it as  human person meeting person through the power of the Holy Spirit. My hope is that my readers may touch my personhood, that would cause or provoke faith of the heart to see what I have seen by the grace of God.

At the height of my Marian joy I jotted down my thoughts in rough form a few weeks ago, with this I leave you my meditations on the Mother of God.

Mary is the fulcrum where earth meets heaven; the effect is the God-man. Her glorification is our glorification, her assumption is our assumption. We are touching upon the object of God’s created glory, the beginning of our new humanity, the archetype of our deification, and the glory yet to be revealed in the sons of God.

Mary mediates the Incarnation passively.

The sacred heart of Jesus shows us God’s love for man, the immaculate heart of Mary shows us man’s love for God.

She is the perfect response to divine love.

A hypostatic union of love

Perfect union and communion leading to incarnation.

Mary animates our love for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to purity full of grace, a sort of refiner’s fire leading us to the celebration of the Mass, to share in the fullness of mystical divine love.

She is the great herald of grace to prepare the heart for God.

Praying the Rosary is joining your heart to her fiat, full of grace, in the resurrection life of her Son.

Our devotion to Mary lifts our humanity to ascend even to a coronation of beauty, where perfect love is offered to the King of Kings.

Mary puts to death man’s hostility toward God, through her perfect yes; her immaculate heart makes us docile toward perfect love, to love God and our neighbor.

Love is not isolation, God is love, and the Holy Spirit finds His home wherever love is present. Mary is the prefect creation of love therefore the Holy Spirit finds His home in her.  Next to her we are purified by this love through proximity and association.

She gives life to the God that is life. What is life but the offspring of union and communion?

Through Mary He communicates the mystery of humanity

Christ trampled on death by death, Mary gives life by Life.

Tales of Conversion part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and Reflections.

2 responses to “Tales of Conversion 5

  1. This was the piece I was referring to on the phone that would be perfect to wrap up the Mary theme. Love it!

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